Draft CIL Funding Programme 2021
Consultation has concluded
Since 2014, the Council has charged a levy on certain developments across the Borough. The money raised can be used to pay for a wide range of community infrastructure that is needed to support new development - which can include transport schemes and green spaces.
We plan to use most of the money we collect to help deliver large infrastructure projects, including new leisure centres and green infrastructure (cycle-paths, footpaths etc). Due to the higher costs, it takes time to save CIL monies up for these projects.
However, each year we will allocate up to £200,000 to smaller projects, each costing less than £100,000, that can be delivered within two years. Details of the funding process, the assessment criteria, the different types of funding (CIL and NCIL), and the different types of items that CIL can be spent on can be found in the FAQ section on the right.
This year, the shortlisted proposals are:
- Dial-a-Ride, a demand responsive transport service for West Lancashire (CIL)
- Creation of an active community hub at Skelmersdale Ecumenical Centre (CIL)
- Installation of a mile-long 'track and trim trail' at St James' Primary School, Ashurst (NCIL)
We want to know your views on this year's shortlisted schemes. Just click on the surveys below to give us your views on the different projects...
Please note that due to restrictions on the use of Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL) funding, we can only consider comments from Skelmersdale and Ormskirk residents and businesses on the use of NCIL monies in those areas. Whilst no projects have been shortlisted within Ormskirk this year, we would still like to hear your views on our assessments.
You can also give us your suggestions for any new community infrastructure schemes you think we should consider in the future. This can be done through the surveys, or by using the interactive map which can be found below. Just drop a pin on the map showing us where your proposal is to be located, and provide us with some details of your idea. To be eligible for CIL funding, the project must support new, not existing, development in your area.