Borough CIL
We've shortlisted two schemes that could receive CIL funding from April 2022:
Dial-a-Ride - A demand responsive transport service for West Lancashire (Year 2)
- £31,555 of CIL sought to help fund the service for one year, with c.£154,700 of match funding
This already established scheme provides accessible transport, particularly for elderly and disabled residents, covering those areas of the borough not well-served by public transport.
Dial-a-Ride's original bid sought CIL monies to help fund the service for three years. However, it was decided that the project should be considered for funding as a one-year scheme on the basis that it could be supported in the immediate future whilst still keeping CIL monies available for use on other projects. Should further monies be required in future years, new bids for CIL monies could be submitted. Subsequently, the Dial-a-Ride scheme was awarded CIL monies through the 2021/22 funding programme to help finance the service in year 1. It follows that this bid relates to year 2 and seeks the same amount of funding to support this valued transportation service during 2022/23.
As with year 1, Dial-a-Ride have already secured the majority of funding from Lancashire County Council (LCC) and other assured sources, and raise further significant income through fares and subscriptions for the service.
In consideration of this project, it has been acknowledged that CIL monies must be used to support new, not existing, development. Therefore, whilst CIL monies will go some way to supporting the continuation of the Dial-a-Ride scheme, and preventing cuts to the existing service, any award of funding will also be able to support changing needs and increased demand for the scheme that may be created as a result of new development.
Creation of an active community hub at Skelmersdale Ecumenical Centre, Skelmersdale
- £37,650 of CIL sought
This bid is to develop the Ecumenical centre's hall into a multi-functional sport and recreation facility to enable leisure projects / activities to meet local demand; to create a small bike hire station at the centre using second hand bikes; and to publicise the hub via a new website and social media presence. The project would provide health improvement opportunities as well as provide low cost and active/sustainable transport opportunities. Skelmersdale is undergoing significant residential and retail development, both in and around the town centre, which this project would help support. Whilst the Council have their own ambitions for sports centres, this active hub would provide an alternative, community-based health improvement opportunity, deliverable in the immediate short-term.