CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Draft Housing Strategy 2024 - 2029
We want to here your views on our draft Housing Strategy. The strategy sets out our priorities and actions to meet the current and future housing needs and challenges in the Borough.
The following set of five priorities have been identified for the draft strategy and are key drivers for delivering our housing agenda:
- Achieve the right supply of new homes including maximising affordable housing.
- Drive investment in place-based regeneration for the Borough including continued regeneration of Skelmersdale.
- Make the best use of all existing homes while encouraging well-managed and maintained homes across all tenures.
- Attract investment for ending homelessness, addressing older person housing needs and residents with specialist housing requirements, including the provision of housing-related support
- Deliver the residential building objectives of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy 2020-2030
The Housing Strategy Action Plan presents suggested delivery actions connected to each delivery priority.