Complaints Experience Survey

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We value and appreciate your opinions and would like to take this opportunity to gather feedback about your recent experience, when you had cause to make a complaint.

Please spare a few moments of your time to share your views by selecting the relevant survey below:

Feedback on how we handled your Stage 1 complaint - please complete this survey if you have recently received a response at stage 1 of our complaints process.

Feedback on how we handled your Stage 2 complaint - please complete this survey if you have recently received a response at stage 2 of our complaints process.

Your feedback will help us to understand your experience through the complaints process, what went well and where we could improve.

We value and appreciate your opinions and would like to take this opportunity to gather feedback about your recent experience, when you had cause to make a complaint.

Please spare a few moments of your time to share your views by selecting the relevant survey below:

Feedback on how we handled your Stage 1 complaint - please complete this survey if you have recently received a response at stage 1 of our complaints process.

Feedback on how we handled your Stage 2 complaint - please complete this survey if you have recently received a response at stage 2 of our complaints process.

Your feedback will help us to understand your experience through the complaints process, what went well and where we could improve.

  • We would like to understand your recent experience when you had cause to make a complaint.

    Your feedback will help us to understand your experience throughout Stage 1 of our complaints process, what went well and where we could improve. 

    Take Survey
    Share Feedback on how we handled your Stage 1 complaint on Facebook Share Feedback on how we handled your Stage 1 complaint on Twitter Share Feedback on how we handled your Stage 1 complaint on Linkedin Email Feedback on how we handled your Stage 1 complaint link
  • We would like to understand your recent experience when you had cause to make a complaint.

    Your feedback will help us to understand your experience throughout stage  2 of our complaints process, what went well and where we could improve. 

    Take Survey
    Share Feedback on how we handled your Stage 2 complaint on Facebook Share Feedback on how we handled your Stage 2 complaint on Twitter Share Feedback on how we handled your Stage 2 complaint on Linkedin Email Feedback on how we handled your Stage 2 complaint link
Page last updated: 23 May 2023, 10:29 AM