Projects where CIL requested is more than £100,000
Halsall-Scarisbrick Canal Towpath Improvements, Canal and River Trust – CIL amount requested £175,095.14 A new bid has been received from the Canal and River Trust to resurface the canal towpath between Summerwood Lane, Halsall and Scarisbrick Marina. This bid also seeks to utilise £15,000 of existing S106 monies received from planning permission 2013/0994/FUL for the development of land at 114 Summerwood Lane, Halsall. This amount has been identified within this bid as part-match funding. The project is identified as a sustainable transport project and enhances strategic green infrastructure. |
UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Community Grant Scheme Match Funding, WLBC - CIL amount requested £355,000 A bid has been received from the Economic Development and Regeneration team to use CIL as 50% match-funding for eligible projects seeking to access the Council's UKSPF Community Grant Scheme (CGS). It is anticipated that there will be a number of projects that wish to access the CGS that may also be eligible for CIL. The supporting documentation that accompanied the Council's UKSPF bid identified a range of interventions that are aligned to the infrastructure types that CIL is used to fund in the Borough. Whilst this is a 'blind bid' so the detail behind each project is not known, Officers between Planning and the UKSPF team will work closely together to advise on the ability to use of CIL as match-funding on individual projects that come forward once the CGS is open for bids. |
Beacon Country Park Play Area Improvements, WLBC - CIL amount requested £346,500 A bid has been received from the Wellbeing and Place team at WLBC to relocate, upgrade and increase the provision of play facilities at Beacon County Park as part of the wider Beacon Park Strategic Improvements Project. It is acknowledged that match-funding might be available from the UKSPF for the wider, more strategic project of improvements at Beacon Country Park. At this stage, the costs and timeframes for delivery are unknown, nor whether there will be a request for CIL funding or the UKSPF money used to deliver this. However, the CIL bid explains that the relocation and enhancement of the play equipment is required notwithstanding the Beacon Park Strategic Improvements Project. Costings are known for this element of the project identified as strategic green infrastructure and can be delivered within the next 1-2 years. The detailed master-planning work for the Beacon Park Strategic Improvements Project is underway and currently subject to a separate public consultation. This wider, more strategic project has been added to the IDS and identified as appropriate strategic green infrastructure and a community facility. |
Ormskirk to Burscough Linear Park, WLBC - CIL amount requested £200,200 A bid was made to use CIL funding on this project, however as the project had previously been identified as a project on the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule and was over the value of £100,000, it has been possible to fund this project outside of the CIL Funding Programme. |