Projects where other more suitable or alternative source of funding exists:
Richmond Park Pitch Improvements, Burscough Richmond FC Under S106 obligation dated 28th August 2014 relating to the development of land adjacent to 10 Ivy Close, Burscough (Planning Application reference number 2013/0235/OUT), the developer paid an "Off Site Open Space Contribution" to the Council to be used for the enhancement of existing and/or the creation of new areas of public open space within the locality. Ward Members and Burscough Town Council have been consulted and raised no objection to the proposed spend of the remaining £43,507 S106 monies on this project, rather than CIL funding. The correct authorisation and allocation process has been followed to use this alternative funding source. |
Abbey Lane Toucan Crossing Upgrade, Lancashire Country Council Highways It has been identified that Lancashire County Council's bid for the upgrade of current proposals to implement a toucan crossing adjoining the Ormskirk to Burscough Linear Park has previously been allocated s106 funding for similar works. As such officers have discussed the need for its duplicate CIL funding bid. LCC have since confirmed that it would wish to withdraw this current CIL bid and will utilise the funding already allocated for this project. |