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Text says Draft CIL Funding Programme alongside pictures of cyclepaths, footpaths, play areas and green spaces

Projects where Ormskirk Neighbourhood CIL/Parish portion exists:

Whittle Drive Changing Facilities, WLBC - CIL amount requested £40,000

Ormskirk NCIL funding has previously been approved and allocated (£60,000 in 2021). However, the works now required by this revised project, that now proposes the demolition of the existing building and the rebuild of a purpose-built facility, go beyond that already allocated and require additional funding. 


West End Park Improvements, WLBC - CIL amount requested £80,000

This project has previously been subject to public consultation and was shortlisted and approved funding in November 2020. The project was unable to be delivered by the spending deadline (2022/23). This resubmission is an amended bid with an uplift of £22,000. Additional CIL funding would provide significant investment and further enhancement to this area of open space to deliver improvements including footpath resurfacing, seating bays, picnic areas, fencing improvements, tree management and signage. The site is within a close enough distance of the housing development at Grove Farm to justify a need for these improvements. The project is now in a position where it can be delivered in financial year 2023/24.


Halsall Lane Park Improvements, WLBC - CIL amount requested £16,500

This project has previously been subject to public consultation and was shortlisted and approved funding in November 2020. The project was unable to be delivered by the spending deadline (2022/23). This resubmission is an amended bid with an uplift of £6,500. Halsall Lane Park has been identified within the Council's playground improvement programme as a facility in need of investment. This project requires a relatively small amount of NCIL monies to extend the existing play area to include new swings and access. There has been sufficient development in Ormskirk to justify this need and the project helps improve the health and wellbeing of local residents.  The project is now in a position where it can be delivered in financial year 2023/24.


Green Lane Rugby Pitch Improvements, Ormskirk Rugby Club - CIL amount requested £9,261.97

This is a new project, not previously identified on the IDS. The project is to improve the playing pitch by verti-drain works, overseeding, fertilising and sand spreading for one season. It is identified as green infrastructure, outdoor sports facilities and playing pitches, has been fully costed and can be delivered at the earliest opportunity if CIL funding is secured.


Whittle Drive Pitch Improvements, Ormskirk West End Football Club - CIL amount requested £6,100. 

This is a new project, not previously identified on IDS. The project is to improve the playing pitch by verti-drain works, overseeding, fertilising and sand spreading for one season.  It is identified as green infrastructure, outdoor sports facilities and playing pitches, has been fully costed and can be delivered at the earliest opportunity if CIL funding is secured.