Projects where CIL funding requested is less than £100,000
We've shortlisted nine schemes that could receive CIL funding under £100,000 from April 2024:
Holmeswood Play Area Fence Replacement, Rufford and Holmeswood Parish Council – CIL amount requested £3,000. The total cost of this project is £7,000. The Parish Council will provide £4,000 towards the cost. This bid is to replace a perimeter safety fence, in poor state of repair, to the Holmeswood play area. Limited Parish funds are available. The works required supports green infrastructure (play area) and the project can be delivered in financial year 2023/24. |
Holmeswood MUGA (Phase 2), Rufford and Holmeswood Parish Council - CIL amount requested £13,000. This project will provide retractable goal netting, goal posts, basketball court, x2 integrated cricket stumps and thermoplastic court markings. This second phase of the works will complete those works carried out in phase 1 for the provision of the MUGA and perimeter fencing. Limited Parish funds are available therefore CIL funding has been requested to cover the full cost of the project. The project delivers green infrastructure and a community facility (outdoor sports facility) and can be delivered in financial year 2023/24. |
Replacement Bus Shelters in Rufford and Holmeswood, Rufford and Holmeswood Parish Council - CIL amount requested £9,900 This project seeks to replace three existing bus shelters located at The Hesketh Arms, Cousins Lane and Holmeswood Road, two of which have already been removed as they were in a poor state of repair. The Parish Council will provide £1,500 from it's own reserves towards this project. It is the Parish Council's responsibility to maintain bus shelters within its own area. The project is a community facility and can be delivered in financial year 2023/24. |
Rufford Park Play Area, Rufford and Holmeswood Parish Council – CIL amount requested £4,500 CIL funding is requested to fund the full cost of this project. The project involves the replacement of existing play equipment (wooden boat) with similar equipment but better quality and using materials with longevity. The project delivers green infrastructure (play area) and can be delivered in financial year 2023/24. |
Aughton Surgery - To increase capacity to deliver GP and primary care NHS provision, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) – CIL amount requested £50,000 The total cost of this project is £250,000. The ICB propose to provide £200,000 towards the project. The allocation of CIL funding will support this proposal for ICB capital funding. The project involves the redesign, reuse of the existing building and an extension to the existing practice to provide two additional clinical rooms. The project is identified as community infrastructure (health centre) in the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (IDS) and can be delivered in 1-2 years, expected to commence in 2023/24. |
Hall Green Surgery, Skelmersdale – To increase capacity to deliver GP and primary care NHS provision, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) – CIL amount requested £25,000 The total cost of this project is £100,000, £75,000 of which is proposed to be provided by the ICB and Hall Green GP practice. It is envisaged that the allocation of CIL funding will support and ensure these other sources of funding. The surgery has seen an increase in patient numbers in recent years, attributed to new housing development within the area. The project seeks to address this by expanding room availability and providing additional accommodation for clinical services. This project will increase the number of consulting/examination rooms by redesigning existing non-clinical accommodation within the existing facility to create multi-use clinical rooms. The project is identified as community infrastructure (health centre) in the IDS and can be delivered in 1-2 years. |
Hants Lane Clinic, Ormskirk – To increase capacity for the provision of GP and primary care services, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB – CIL amount requested £50,000 The total cost of this project is £100,000, half of which will be funded by NHS Property Services capital. The project involves internal alterations and reconfiguration of the existing facility to create two additional consultation/examination rooms, in order to increase capacity of the facility. These rooms would be made available to GP practices of Ormskirk Primary Care network. All Ormskirk practices have seen growth in patient list sizes driven as a result of additional housing development within the area. The project is identified as community infrastructure (health centre) in the IDS and can be delivered in 1-2 years. |
Fairy Glen Green Infrastructure Improvements, WLBC – CIL amount requested £55,000 This project is to improve access points, upgrade existing footpath network, provide interpretation and information signage and additional seating for visitors to this area of public open space/woodland. These improvements will also assist in the protection of woodland flora. Fairy Glen has seen a marked increase in visitor numbers over the last few years, from both Borough residents and beyond. The project is strategic green infrastructure (amenity open space/semi-natural open space) and can be delivered in 1-2 years. |
Environmental site enhancements at Kiln Lane and Tongbarn playing fields, Skelmersdale, WLBC – CIL amount requested £62,700 The areas of open space at Kiln Lane and Tongbarn playing fields are geographically close. Funding has already been secured for the improvements to the Tongbarn area (Phase 1) through the Council's Housing Environmental Improvements Fund (£40,000), however the Kiln Lane area (Phase 2) cannot be funded by this source. The project seeks to combine these areas in order to deliver a co-ordinated approach to habitat creation, improved path network, seating and development of natural play features. This current bid is to enable improvements in the Kiln Lane area to enhance and add value that to be delivered in Tongbarn area. There has been significant housing development in Skelmerdale in recent years. The project is strategic green infrastructure (amenity open space/semi-natural open space) and can be delivered in 1-2 years. |