Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2024

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Consultation has concluded

Picture of a house with wording "Your Housing Your Voice" around it

Thank you to everyone who has participated in our Tenant Satisfaction Survey, we value and appreciate your feedback.

The survey is now closed, and feedback is being analysed. Watch this space for further updates.


We are inviting West Lancashire Borough Council tenants to take part in the Tenant Satisfaction Survey! We want to know what you think about the quality of your home and the service we provide. This will help us to understand what we are doing well and where we need to improve.  

We have commissioned a company called Information by Design to conduct the survey on our behalf. They are an independent company. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at www.ibyd.com


   If you complete the survey, you can enter the prize draws. There are two prize draws:  

  1. A chance to win a special cash prize of £200 if you complete the survey online  
  2. A chance to win one of 5 x £100 shopping vouchers  


If you are a West Lancashire Borough Council Tenant you will receive a postal survey, which can be returned in the pre paid envelope. If you would prefer to complete the survey online you can go to www.iby.com/wlbc or use the QR code below.

If you complete the survey on line you will be directed to the website of Information by Design. You will need the ID Number printed at the top of your questionnaire and your postcode,

The questionnaire needs to be completed by the the lead tenant but we would like you to give the views of the household as a whole  

If you have any questions about this survey, please email Information by Design at info@ibyd.com or telephone on 01482 467467 or freephone 0800 6440245.

We value and appreciate your feedback, your views are important to us, so please take this opportunity to have your say by the end of November 2024   

We’d like to thank you, in advance, for taking the time to share your views and influence the future provision of our housing services.

Thank you to everyone who has participated in our Tenant Satisfaction Survey, we value and appreciate your feedback.

The survey is now closed, and feedback is being analysed. Watch this space for further updates.


We are inviting West Lancashire Borough Council tenants to take part in the Tenant Satisfaction Survey! We want to know what you think about the quality of your home and the service we provide. This will help us to understand what we are doing well and where we need to improve.  

We have commissioned a company called Information by Design to conduct the survey on our behalf. They are an independent company. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at www.ibyd.com


   If you complete the survey, you can enter the prize draws. There are two prize draws:  

  1. A chance to win a special cash prize of £200 if you complete the survey online  
  2. A chance to win one of 5 x £100 shopping vouchers  


If you are a West Lancashire Borough Council Tenant you will receive a postal survey, which can be returned in the pre paid envelope. If you would prefer to complete the survey online you can go to www.iby.com/wlbc or use the QR code below.

If you complete the survey on line you will be directed to the website of Information by Design. You will need the ID Number printed at the top of your questionnaire and your postcode,

The questionnaire needs to be completed by the the lead tenant but we would like you to give the views of the household as a whole  

If you have any questions about this survey, please email Information by Design at info@ibyd.com or telephone on 01482 467467 or freephone 0800 6440245.

We value and appreciate your feedback, your views are important to us, so please take this opportunity to have your say by the end of November 2024   

We’d like to thank you, in advance, for taking the time to share your views and influence the future provision of our housing services.